
class oasis.DruckSampler(alpha, predictions, scores, oracle, proba=False, opt_class=None, strata=None, max_iter=None, identifiers=None, replace=True, debug=False, **kwargs)

Stratified sampling for estimation of the weighted F-measure

Estimates the quantity:

TP / (alpha * (TP + FP) + (1 - alpha) * (TP + FN))

on a finite pool by sampling items according to an adaptive instrumental distribution that minimises asymptotic variance. See reference [Druck2011] for details.


Weight for the F-measure. Valid weights are on the interval [0, 1]. alpha == 1 corresponds to precision, alpha == 0 corresponds to recall, and alpha == 0.5 corresponds to the balanced F-measure.

predictionsarray-like, shape=(n_items,n_class)

Predicted labels for the items in the pool. Rows represent items and columns represent different classifiers under evaluation (i.e. more than one classifier may be evaluated in parallel). Valid labels are 0 or 1.

scoresarray-like, shape=(n_items,)

Scores which quantify the confidence in the classifiers’ predictions. Rows represent items and columns represent different classifiers under evaluation. High scores indicate a high confidence that the true label is 1 (and vice versa for label 0). It is recommended that the scores be scaled to the interval [0,1]. If the scores lie outside [0,1] they will be automatically re-scaled by applying the logisitic function.


Function that returns ground truth labels for items in the pool. The function should take an item identifier as input (i.e. its corresponding row index) and return the ground truth label. Valid labels are 0 or 1.

probaarray-like, dtype=bool, shape=(n_class,), optional, default None

Indicates whether the scores are probabilistic, i.e. on the interval [0, 1] for each classifier under evaluation. If proba is False for a classifier, then the corresponding scores will be re-scaled by applying the logistic function. If None, proba will default to False for all classifiers.

strataStrata instance, optional, default None

Describes how to stratify the pool. If not given, the stratification will be done automatically based on the scores given. Additional keyword arguments may be passed to control this automatic stratification (see below).

max_iterint, optional, default None

Maximum number of iterations to expect for pre-allocating arrays. Once this limit is reached, sampling can no longer continue. If no value is given, defaults to n_items.

replaceboolean, optional, default True

Whether to sample with or without replacement.

Other Parameters
opt_classarray-like, dtype=bool, shape=(n_class,), optional, default None

Indicates which classifier scores to use when stratifying the pool (if strata is None). If opt_class is False for a classifier, then its scores will not be used in calculating the strata, however estimates of its performance will still be calculated.

identifiersarray-like, optional, default None

Unique identifiers for the items in the pool. Must match the row order of the “predictions” parameter. If no value is given, defaults to [0, 1, …, n_items].

debugbool, optional, default False

Whether to print out verbose debugging information.



G. Druck and A. McCallum, “Toward Interactive Training and Evaluation,” in Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2011, pp. 947–956.


F-measure estimates for each iteration.


Records whether the oracle was queried at each iteration (True) or whether a cached label was used (False).

cached_labels_numpy.ndarray, shape=(n_items,)

Previously sampled ground truth labels for the items in the pool. Items which have not had their labels queried are recorded as NaNs. The order of the items matches the row order for the “predictions” parameter.


Iteration index.



Resets the sampler to its initial state

sample(n_to_sample, **kwargs)

Sample a sequence of items from the pool

sample_distinct(n_to_sample, **kwargs)

Sample a sequence of items from the pool until a minimum number of distinct items are queried

__init__(alpha, predictions, scores, oracle, proba=False, opt_class=None, strata=None, max_iter=None, identifiers=None, replace=True, debug=False, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.